File: Read and Write

The File: Read and Write library is basically JM-'s own version of C++'s <fstream>, and can be included in a JM- Project using: #incd .frnw

If something isn't clear about the syntax shown below, we recommend you to check out the examples category

Syntax & Examples

Here's a list of every function included in the .frnw library;

//{} Stands for 'FileSystem.New'
// Used to create files
// Syntax (spaced):{ >> "<path>" << "<fileName>.<fileExtension>" };
#incd .frnw{>> "~/" << ""};
// fs.rnw{} Stands for 'FileSystem.ReadAndWrite'
// Used to read, write and create files
// Syntax (spaced): fs.rnw{"<sourcePath>" << "<destinationPath>"};
#incd .frnw
fs.rnw{"~/" << "/tmp/"};

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