// jtry{} Stands for 'JMDash Try'
// Used to check if a statement will return errors
// Syntax (spaced): jtry{ << <possiblyWrongCodeHere> };
str myString = MyText; // Code that will trigger errors (missing quotes)
// jcatch{} Stands for 'JMDash Catch'
// Used to catch errors that have been "tried" by jtry{}
// Find the error location in the Error Tree (on JMDash Docs)
// Syntax (spaced): jcatch{<errorLocation> >> <possiblyWrongCodeHere>};
jcatch{ SyntaxError/WrongSyntaxOnDataType/WrongSyntaxOnString };
// jcatch{} can also "try" errors itself;
jcatch{ SyntaxError/WrongSyntaxOnDataType/WrongSyntaxOnString >>
str myString = MyText; // Code that will trigger errors (missing quotes)
// jthrow{} Stands for 'JMDash Throw'
// Used to throw errors, real simple :))
// Find the error location in the Error Tree (on JMDash Docs)
// Syntax (spaced): jthrow{ >> <errorLocation> };
jthrow{>> SyntaxError/WrongSyntaxOnDataType/WrongSyntaxOnString};