JMDash Time

The JMDash Time library is basically JM-'s own version of C++'s <ctime>, and can be included in a JM- Project using: #incd .jtime

If something isn't clear about the syntax shown below, we recommend you to read the IDoLD, since it is cleaner and shorter than IDD.

.jtime's functions

Here's a list of every function included in the .jtime library:

  • tm.local{} Stands for 'time.local' and can get the system's local time. (e.g. tm.local.str{>> outputString};) As a string. (e.g.{>> outputInteger};) As an integer.

  • tm.sclc{} Stands for 'time.sincelaunch' and can get the amount of time that has passed since the program was started. (e.g. tm.sclc{>> outputInteger};)

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